Wednesday, May 13, 2009

10 Day Update (a little late)

Well, I'm giving the 10 day update (a little late, since its technically been 13 days since the surgery). Here are some pictures of Chili taken 10 days post surgery:

Recovery has been good. He has finished his medicine, and gets the occasional pain pill when he gets a little cranky, but I think he's comfortable overall (except for the cone!) We tried leaving him home in his crate during the day, but he is able to pull off the ecollar and he likes to chew and lick his sutures, so we decided it was worth the money to board him at the vet. $17 per day was totally worth the peace of mind... I think.

He gets the stitches removed on Friday, then we'll talk to the doctor about more rehab. All we're doing right now is gently moving his leg around while he's laying down, then icing it (he is finally letting me do it without attempting to bite my hand off). We bought him a little life jacket, with the intention of doing some water therapy.... in our bathtub (come on, where else?) We have to wait for the vet's go-ahead to do it, though.

He is trying to walk on the leg normally, its hard to keep him in one spot going to the bathroom. He lays on either side of his body, likes playing with his toy (in his crate) and stands, eats, etc completely normal- you'd forget he had surgery! I'll be relieved when the sutures come out though, and he doesn't have to wear the cone. I'm sure he'll be glad to spend a normal day at home (although everyone at the clinic loves him. He has a "harem" of the ladies that take care of all the day boarders. Hooray to the kennel staff for keeping my little guy happy!)

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