Sunday, May 17, 2009

Water Therapy

Today we started water therapy with Chili (in the bathtub, where else?) He's totally not a water dog, but he did ok. We just did some exercising with his life jacket on for about 5 minutes, then he got out and took a 2 hour nap. Yep, hard work. Really. He did actually swim/walk/float more than I thought. His body is a little front heavy, so he tried walking on his front legs while his back end sorta floated. Once I picked his front end up a little bit, he started using his back legs, which is good. Here are a few pictures:

Suture Removal

Chili got his stitches out on Friday (yay!) The vet said everything looked good so far. We have to keep the cone on him until Tuesday, so he doesn't lick his incision site (precaution, I guess). He is no longer taking any pain meds and seems to be doing just fine. He's getting used to staying in his crate, but he definitely wants exercise when we take him potty. Its going to be hard keeping him still for the next 2 weeks. His next vet check is in 2 weeks. Here's a picture of how his incision looks today.

Its healing really well. Hopefully everything continues to progress normally!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Computer Guard

I had to go to work a little early today, and the vet wasn't open yet. My boss agreed to let Chili into work for the first 2 1/2 hours of the day. I was running around, so Chili got a prime nap spot right next to my keyboard. He slept on my sweatshirt for awhile, but he looked up at my phone for a photo op. He'd growl whenever anyone got too close to my desk, what a great security guard! I was a little sad to take him to the vet and return without him, my desk seemed a bit empty. Here's a picture:

10 Day Update (a little late)

Well, I'm giving the 10 day update (a little late, since its technically been 13 days since the surgery). Here are some pictures of Chili taken 10 days post surgery:

Recovery has been good. He has finished his medicine, and gets the occasional pain pill when he gets a little cranky, but I think he's comfortable overall (except for the cone!) We tried leaving him home in his crate during the day, but he is able to pull off the ecollar and he likes to chew and lick his sutures, so we decided it was worth the money to board him at the vet. $17 per day was totally worth the peace of mind... I think.

He gets the stitches removed on Friday, then we'll talk to the doctor about more rehab. All we're doing right now is gently moving his leg around while he's laying down, then icing it (he is finally letting me do it without attempting to bite my hand off). We bought him a little life jacket, with the intention of doing some water therapy.... in our bathtub (come on, where else?) We have to wait for the vet's go-ahead to do it, though.

He is trying to walk on the leg normally, its hard to keep him in one spot going to the bathroom. He lays on either side of his body, likes playing with his toy (in his crate) and stands, eats, etc completely normal- you'd forget he had surgery! I'll be relieved when the sutures come out though, and he doesn't have to wear the cone. I'm sure he'll be glad to spend a normal day at home (although everyone at the clinic loves him. He has a "harem" of the ladies that take care of all the day boarders. Hooray to the kennel staff for keeping my little guy happy!)

Monday, May 4, 2009

"The Care of Your Pet Following Surgery"

The following is an instruction sheet (1 of many) that we received from our vet when we picked Chili up on Friday. I thought I'd post what the sheet reads for some further information. (Please note: I wrote down the sheet as it was filled out for Chili's specific situation. There were more options for other surgeries, etc.)

Care of Your Pet Following Surgery and Hospitalization
Procedure: MPL (Medial Patella Luxation) right hind limb

Proper Restraint
Please protect your pet when leaving the hospital by using either a leash or a carrier. Excessive activity may result in your pet getting loose or result in an injury if your pet is recovering from surgery. Try to prevent your pet from becoming overly active and excited when you pick him up from the hospital.

Food and Water
With the excitement of returning home after surgery, your pet may be inclined to drink and eat excessively, which may result in vomiting. To avoid this, we recommend restricting access to food and water for an hour or so until your pet is calmed down. Then you may offer water and a light meal later in the evening. Normal feeding may resume the next day.

Exercise and Activity
Patients recovering from surgery or illness should have limited exercise. Avoid access to stairs or situations that may lead to injury. Due to the effects of anesthesia, he may be groggy for 12 hours. Your pet should be strictly confined to a cage or small room for 8 weeks. Carry your pet outside for eliminations. No running, jumping, or access to stairs is permitted.

It is important to follow all label directions carefully. Medications dispensed:

Discourage your pet from licking or chewing at the sutures. Please check the incision line daily for any redness, swelling, or discharge. If it appears irritated or infected, notify us immediately. Also, keep your pet dry (no bathing or swimming) until the sutures are removed. Sutures will be removed 10-14 days from the date of surgery. Please keep an e-collar on at all times to prevent self trauma.

Bandage and Splint Care
The bandage should be kept clean and dry. Notify us if the bandage slips, the toes swell, or if you notice any odor or discharge. Discourage your pet from licking or chewing the bandage. It may be necessary to use an Elizabethan collar to restrict your pet's access to the bandage. Keep your pet confined to keep the bandage from becoming loose. Tape a plastic bag around the bandage temporarily to keep the leg dry when your dog goes outside. Immediately remove the bag when the dog returns indoors.

Please make an appointment for the following:
Bandage change/removal in 4 days
Suture removal in 10-14 days
Recheck in 4 & 8 weeks

A decrease in activity or appetite for one to two days may be observed. However, if your pet exhibits any of the following signs, please notify the hospital.
Loss of appetite for over 2 days
Refusal to drink water for more than one day
Unwillingness to move around as usual

Bandage Removal

Chili went back to the vet today for his bandage removal. His incision looks good, and he has a few stitches in (so the e-collar will be on pretty much 24/7). He's very tender on the leg, we got the go-ahead to do a little bit of gentle movement with his hip (with him laying on his good side) but he's so tender he won't really let us. We are also supposed to ice for about 5 minutes a day, but I can't get the ice pack near his leg without a tantrum! The vet says the next 4 weeks are imperative to his recovery: he'll be on VERY strict crate rest! We go back in 10 days-ish (May 15th) to get his stitches removed. Then he doesn't have to wear the e-collar anymore!

With the bandage off, he's trying to move more, so its very hard to keep him still, but we're trying. Bathroom time is hard, because he wants to run all over the yard, but we keep him on a very short leash, so he can only take about 1 step in either direction. His appetite is good, and we're only giving him the sedative at night now (although it doesn't seem to work: he kept us awake ALL last night, I feel like I need a sedative, too!)

I have some pictures of Chili now with the bandage off. They are of the incision site, so may be a little bit graphic. I'll try and post new ones every few days or so, so people can see his progress. His hair is growing back pretty quickly, and pretty much all of the razor burn is healed or scabbed over.

Hopefully Chili will let us sleep more tonight, I feel like I'm about to fall over! He seems to be in pretty good spirits and is always wagging his tail, which is great. Right now he's finally sleeping, so maybe we'll get lucky and it will continue until the morning! We're setting up a private webcam so I can keep an eye on him during the day (I have some emergency people to call in case he gets that e-collar off)! I'll post an update within the next few days!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Actual Surgery Cost

So, awhile back I posted the Estimate I was given for his surgery. I'm now posting the actual amount we paid for his surgery- feel free to refer to the estimate for comparison.

Rimadyl $13.15
Tramadol $8.88
Clavamox $23.40
Biohazard Disposal Fee $3.25
Pre-Op Blood Panel $52.25
Radiology- Additional View $103.50
Bandaging $18.00
Injection- Cefazolin $18.00
Fluid Therapy (I.V.) $72.00
Catheterization $39.00
MPL Right Rear $875.00
Analgesia (Pain Medication) $25.00
Surgery Room Fee $68.00
Surgical Monitoring $15.50
Anesthesia- Induction $16.25
Isoflurane Anesthesia $87.50
Analgesia Injection $16.00
E-Collar $13.00
Acepromazine $8.72
TOTAL: $1477.25

Cost so far: $1809.25

I have to say, I hope its worth it and the surgery works, I think it will! The people at the clinic have been amazing, they took great care of him. I'll post back once we have a few more updates!

He's Home!

I would have written an update on how Chili is doing last night, but we were so tired and focused on Chili, we just didn't have time.

He apparently did pretty well the day of surgery, he started chewing on his bandage at the clinic the following day, so he has to wear an e-collar when he isn't monitored by us. He barked so much at the clinic, they had to move him from the hospital wing to the boarding wing! Dr. Rodriguez was great, she sat both of us down when we picked him up and told us what to expect. Chili will keep his bandage on until Monday- then they will remove it and the sutures. When the bandage is removed, we do a little bit of "therapy" with his hip (basically, he lays on his side and we move his hip around). He is 100% crate confined and should remain so for 8 weeks! I don't want the correction from the surgery to be undone if he moves too much or jumps.

I have to admit, when they first brought him out from the back room, my heart nearly broke. We tried to hold him, and he just whimpered and squirmed in our arms. We finally got him into his crate in the car, and all he did was whine on the way home. I really thought I had made the wrong decision, I was almost in tears. However, once we got him home and settled in his crate, and he got to see Bridgett, he seemed to settle down a little bit. He has a ton of medications- antibiotics twice a day, pain pills every 8 hours, an anti-inflammatory once a day, and a sedative every 12 hours (if needed). Last night was a bit of a rough night, we were awake most of the night with him. He would sleep a little bit, then wake up and bark. I think he was just uncomfortable. (There was also quite a bit of razor burn where he was shaved). He's been sleeping on and off throughout the day. I sure do hope tonight goes better! Here are some pictures of Chili just after we brought him home:

I'm hoping his path to healing will continue. I will be sure to post an update with pictures once his bandage comes off. Keep the positive thoughts coming our way!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Day After- short report

I called the vet clinic around 10am this morning to check on Chili's progress, and spoke to one of their technicians. She was very nice and spent a few minutes on the phone with me. She said they had to move him to a back room because he kept barking after surgery (surprise). He ate his dinner and breakfast just fine (she said he acted like he hadn't been fed in a year, not surprised at that, either!) He's been very perky (oh joy) and she mentioned that he has plenty of personality! Thats my little guy! All in all, he's been good and is comfortable. I'm still pushing for a few days worth of sedatives- make him a little easier to handle!

It was strange being home without Chili last night. Bridgett ran around looking for him- she ended up just laying down in her crate. We sure did miss him, I'm excited to get him home!